If the World was Like Haven: The Search for Happiness in Human Life

The world is like heaven. In this blog post, we will talk about the special things of this world, which is why this world is not like heaven. Will reveal a different identity of this world. At the same time, we will reach those depths of life which expose our shortcomings. And will reveal the real identity of this world.

Symbol of beauty:-
Beauty is an inseparable part of human life. We forget this beauty of our lives due to mutual conflict or conflict. When we shine in society by eliminating various disorders and mutual discord, then our beauty shines. To make society happy and peaceful, one has to improve oneself and become the epitome of beauty. Only then can we say that this world can become like heaven.

Basis of equality:-
We can envision a society where all people have equal rights. And this is the identity of a real society built based on equality. This world may be like heaven. In this article, we also get the impression that it is about a world built based on equality. The basis of equality is the definition of happiness for everyone. The basis of equality can be a guiding light for this world which can make this world feel like heaven like happiness.

Service spirit and mutual trust:-
The spirit of service and mutual trust is crucial to creating a beautiful social system and a harmonious world. To create a heaven-like environment in this world, everyone will have to adopt the spirit of service and strengthen mutual trust. Through service and mutual trust, we can create a happy and civilized society that will make this world feel like heaven. Maybe I would have two hearts: two face of life and a lesson.

Example of unity:-
Bliss can be experienced only in unity in this world. Divided societies can always see conflicts of opinion which become obstacles to any progress. To prove the truth of the statement that this world would be like heaven, an example of unity will have to be presented. Forgetting mutual disputes, unity is beneficial for everyone.

Friendly behaviour:-
The biggest lesson to be learned in human society is to behave cordially. Everyone should try to behave cordially at all times. Harmony is very important to change any environment or situation. If the world were like heaven, we also get these lessons in this post, it helps in increasing unity in any harmonious society. Cordial behaviour also helps in increasing brotherhood.

The ultimate feeling of happiness:-
If the world was like heaven, in this blog post we are imagining a world that gives the ultimate feeling of happiness. There will be an ultimate feeling of happiness in a world where people are high-minded, where there is an example of love, brotherhood, and unity. We want a world free from any tension or worry, no worries about making a career, no fights or hue or cry. We want a world that gives us the ultimate feeling of happiness and makes us experience heaven.

If the world were like heaven, in the conclusion of this blog post we get the lesson that to make the world like heaven, all human behaviour must be adopted. At the same time, an example of unity will have to be presented. One should try to build a society by becoming an example of beauty based on equality by adopting the spirit of service and mutual trust along with cordial behaviour, only then can one experience ultimate happiness. And we can say that we can make this world like heaven. I am a Warrior: An Attempt to Improve life Through Struggle.
Have seen thousands and lakhs of people up close,
Thousands and lakhs are standing in queues,
Someone wants to go somewhere,
Someone is busy searching for something.
Some are living a life of luxury,
And some are stumbling from door to door.

Thousands and lakhs are wandering on the streets,
The lives of millions crying,
This life is full of inequalities.
In such a situation a question arises in the mind,
If the world were like heaven.

Beyond imagination, different from the human world
That world without fear, sleep, and pollution.
That world without disease, full of joy and enthusiasm,
That world is free from worries and thoughts.
That world is without hunger and thirst,
Where there is no discrimination between high and low.

There is no worry about earning,
And don't need to make a career.
Where people are high-minded,
And don't hurt to each other,
That's why that world is far from human civilization
The world where people are called Debata is heaven.

Who is selfless in the world of selfishness?
Who is the servant in the sense of service?
The ego is dominant everywhere,
Who is your companion as a true servant?
Thoughts do not matter in the world of poor people.
And favour does not count for those who believe.
That world is away from all inferiority complex
That is heaven, it is far away from the human world.

The story of the struggle of crores of people every day to make life better,
This life struggles with success and failures,
This life of clashing honour and dishonour,
This life passes through times of happiness and sorrow,
This life is full of stories and legends of many people,
A world full of complexities full of tension and worry should be like heaven.
A person should be such that: a strong, dedicated and empathetic person.

This life is full of inequalities,
Some selfish people have accumulated wealth and property,
Wealthy magnates have accumulated wealth, scammers are running scams,
Religious fanatics are selling religion,
Some people are selling tickets to go to heaven,
Free thieves are taking advantage, and politicians are making false claims.
Those who don't follow the law are doing whatever they want.
We want a world that is like heaven.

This life is full of inequalities,
This life is trapped in the difference between high and low,
This life is trapped in the web of casteism,
People have accepted that they are intelligent,
People have assumed that they are clever and knowledgeable.
This life is trapped in the web of illusion, things get spoiled by thinking,
And it becomes something to never think about,
If this did not happen this world would be like heaven.

The greatness of thoughts has bound us,
Tied into elite, lower, poor, and high profiles,
Casteism has bound people to suffer from an inferiority complex due to casteism.
Intellectuals are selling intelligence, and some people are doing deceit,
Religious fanatics are doing their business under the guise of religion.
Crores of people living in darkness are living a life of ignorance,
Perhaps this world would not be like this if this world full of similarities was like heaven.

Greatness of thoughts has brought revolution,
Great people have expressed their views.
The greatness of thoughts has moved from inanimate to animate,
The greatness of thoughts has moved from darkness to light.
Greatness of thought opens the door to change.
The throne of the imperialists shakes due to the greatness of the idea.
We do not want a world of chaos where ideas are not stable,
We want a peaceful, gentle, and beautiful world, perhaps this world is like heaven.

If the world were like heaven, every day was a light of new love and beauty,
The mind is filled with love and peace,
It will be a world of the latest dreams.
If the world were like heaven, there would not be so much gulf in the human mind,
The beauty of nature prevails over everyone, and happiness kisses everyone's feet.

If the world were like heaven, the tune of separation would not be played,
The music of love prevails in every heart, everyone talks about love.
Would have remained an example of unity,
Everyone would have benefited from the joy of self,
Sadness would never touch, this world would be full of happiness.
Freedom is a golden opportunity for life.

If the world were like heaven, serving each other,
Everyone would find happiness in the spirit of service, 
And everyone would be helpful here.
The happiness of life would have been the best,
It would have become an example of happiness,
The sound of love and peace flows into everyone's hearts,
The happiness of heaven can be experienced on this earth,
Maybe this world would be like heaven.

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